Sunday, May 17, 2009


we are dogsitting a samoyed dog for friends that are in china for two weeks. snowy is the name. or snoowy as the kids call her. she's really cute, very old, very quiet, but the sweetest and easiest dog ever. which is probably good, because i'm not much of a dog person. meaning i like dogs, but i never had a dog myself. same goes for D. so she's the perfect dog for beginners.

she loves the chickens. when she's in the garden she's just walking round 'n round the chicken coop. not sure what she would do if she had access. or what the chickens would do for that matter. those ladies can be mean to intruders.


  1. What a cutie, she looks so soft and friendly... I like dogs too but I wouldn't want one for myself, there's just too much commitment (and planning) involved, but dogsitting would be great; you can borrow the dog for a bit and then hand it back...perfect!! Oh, and the name fits her so well :-)

  2. You are right, I think those ladies can take care of themselves, they are odd ... birds, chickens!

  3. yikes - right next to the chickens...brings back horrible memories for me! she does look very sweet, though!

  4. Oh what a sweet face. Nice to be pet sitting such a lovely animal :)
