Friday, July 24, 2009

taking time

this week's word: time. what a challenge. check out other participants over at anairam's blog.


  1. Hi!
    I like your take on time! When you think about it there are so many phrases and sayings containing the word-it is obviously very important to all of us! Thanks for taking the time to visit me and I have enjoyed my time here.

  2. i really like this!!
    time: there's something that can be our friend and our enemy... it's up to each other to decided this!!

    have a perfect weekend!!

  3. ohh yes.. You're absolutely right! Take your time ;)

  4. Yes, I agree. Time is such a weird thing - sometimes there seems to be too much of it, and sometimes too little. But mostly too little. I hope you will take some time off this weekend!

  5. THIS is SO right...could have been me writing these words ;)))

  6. fin tekst om tid - tid er en underlig størrelse! ha en god weekend med rigelig tid : )
