Saturday, August 22, 2009

summer morning bike ride

i left the kids with my parents this morning and went on a bike ride through the city.

D left a couple of days ago, but i'm staying a bit longer with the little ones here in copenhagen at my parents house.

copenhagen on a nice summer day is the ultimate biking experience. and with toe nails matching my mom's red bike and some flee markets on my route, i had a morning of pure perfection. oh, and yes, i made a few great finds that i have to share with you asap. the theme of my three finds was old wood. and then a pair of rain boots for little D.

i have billions of photos to share, including some of my parents' beautiful white and green wood house, which you can get a glimpse of, up there on the second photo. but so far i have been too busy having vacation to go through photos. i think i might have to get denmark sorted back in israel.

wishing you moments of pure perfection too :)


  1. bike ride around copenhagen sounds so good...
    i want to see more pictures!
    have a great weekend trinsch!

  2. I like the way you ride your bike... So "chic" !!! And hope you'll be less busy to show some pictures on this blog ;) Have a nice week-end !

  3. dear trinsch, i'm in love with your bike style. great photos. and it's a wonderful idea to make a bike ride alone through the city. hope to visit copenhagen one day. wish you wonderful holidays with your parents and your children. happy sunday*

  4. Perfect shots of your time in Denmark: kids with their grandparents, you on a solo bike ride to town!

  5. Sounds like perfection to me ... can't wait to see more of your photos, and by the way, the coordination of toe polish and bike is exquisite :)

  6. Oh, that is just the most delicious photograph ever! I love the red bike (I've always wanted a red bike, but let's face it, these days I'm just too lazy...) and the red toenails! Hmmm, winter is almost over here, time to do my toenails (I don't paint them in winter, they're always covered with stockings or socks, so what's the point?) But I think a nice bright cherry red is what I'll go for. (BTW, I think you're right about camping, if you grow up with it, it is on your genes and you will love it!)

  7. bike riding remembers me my childhood when my family used to go to my father's city! it was a small town and we only ride bike when we were there. remember once some cows run out me and a friend... i was so scare that day, but today i really laugh about that!!

    happy week
