Friday, November 6, 2009


this week, while it was still rainy and cold, we did manage to go out now and then. one of those times we went hunting for pecans. not much hunting needed, though, as the storm had brought them to the ground, where we just needed to pick them up.

it was a cold and dark afternoon, not much light to take photos. i was expecting rather grainy photos, and they are. but i really like this peculiar light and texture.

so, did i tell you that we were expecting a heat wave after the awful weather? we did. and it arrived! 25 degrees celcius, sun and flip flops on again. which means that the double up 4 years birthday celebration we canceled last weekend due to the rain and the thunderstorm, will in fact happen this weekend. which also means i have a ton of stuff to do. alas, i am off.

happy weekend to you all, may you find something worth celebrating this weekend as well, big or small.


  1. Love pecans, love the photos! Have a fun at the party! I look forward to hearing about it. Have a golden weekend. xo

  2. The weather gods just don't know which way to go, but how magical to find an abundance of pecans!

    Good luck with all your birthday prep and enjoy!!!

    The first photo is stunning - it's amazing how you just keep turning these beautiful images out :)

  3. so do you say pee-cans or pee-cons?

    glad to hear you got a nice does of warm :)

  4. Well, happy double anniversary !!!...and a great week-end to you and all your family. Bises

  5. So sorry I can't make it to the bday. Hope you'll have a great day!

  6. I hope you make something yummy with those pecans.

  7. something tells me you'll find a use for the pecans in the birthday celebration! congrats on the boys' four years - it is an achievement for you as well as for them!

  8. I'd love to forage pecans! Happy celebration to you all!
