Monday, July 5, 2010

quiet. and other important things

i am so excited, summer is officially here for me. for the next two weeks i have all day to myself. kids are still in kindergarten (yes, i am not keeping them home just yet, this is me me me time :), so the house is empty all day. except it isn't because one woke up today with a cold and a bit of fever. so he's been here, keeping me company.

in this vacuum of time i have so far realized that i still really love that bit of light that finds its way to our bedroom, that my basil plants are finally recovering from an attack of slugs, and that doves have made a nest outside my bedroom window. right where a piece of wood meets the wall, placed randomly not long ago. there is something so crazy about this. these little fine eggs, just lying there, on such a fragile construction. the doves don't know, or don't care. just like us. i guess that unless something profound and tragic happens we never realize how fragile a construction life and existence really is. we don't have to.

so for the next two weeks i have an insane amount of plans. all the practical stuff that was postponed till this day (like cleaning bathrooms. because they all started to look like street toilets in calcutta. if there is such a thing...i was there, but cannot remember, probably because the city was all flooded). besides those cleaning details, i am so planning to get some sewing done. among a few hundred other creative things i'd like to do.

and then we will be off to denmark for 5 weeks. which i look very much forward to, especially after my mom told me over the phone today that she has been making a truckload of elderberry flower drink. love it.


  1. Wow that sounds lovely! Enjoy your sunlight, your basil plants and your nest! That they build there nest beside your window!! Wow..

  2. Wow, see how you capture the light!!!
    As for me, the two girls are home together from this week, what a noise:(
    Have a very nice summer:)!!!

  3. A slice of summer in three photos - I like that :^) Love the bed photo... Oh that light!

    I keep the snails away from my basil by circling the plant with a thin copper tape 3" or 4" tall. It works!

    Five weeks! Lucky girl! You'll be missed...

  4. oh! sounds lovely. that you will have some time for yourself. important... and what a great way to prepare yourself for vacation in denmark.
    enjoy enjoy enjoy. and by the time you are back, we might finally have the chance to meet. i am looking forward to that!

    i once had pigeon eggs on my window sill. i was amazed by their beauty and this little life creation next to me. but then someone told me they bring fleas...but maybe you knew that? still, i didn't have the heart to move them.

  5. beautiful! and that little nest moves me so much. please keep us posted about the baby doves.

  6. Happy Summer and enjoy your trip to Denmark. xo

  7. Precious, precious me time. Enjoy! To me those rare days are always filled with plans but in the end I find myself in bed, reading, doing crossword puzzles, taking breaks just staring at the sky from my window. Elder syrup, I am making it now. The best. Have a happy summer!

  8. That top photo is completely beautiful! I hope you have a lovely time in Denmark. Happy Summer, Trinsch!

  9. Enjoy your free of family, busy with you-projects time.

  10. Hi! Have fun! It's so nice to have real summer time. Hey, what do you do with elderflower syrup? I bought some (from IKEA) and haven't figured out many uses...
