Saturday, July 21, 2012

beach brunch on board

before we left, brunch on the beach with friends visiting from abroad.

this seems pretty far away right now, even if the sun has been shining today and i believe we must have passed the 20 celcius spot on the thermometer.

...and with this i should be over and done with the middle eastern beach photos for now. we'll soon move on and catch up with our days in denmark.

today i found a box of my old photos, pre-digital age. i was looking for photos while traveling in indonesia some time that seems like a 100 years ago. probably closer to 15 years, not sure.

we'd been at the zoo museum and i was going to show the boys photos of the me and a komodo dragon. thought i could impress them, you know, komodo dragons are fascinating, especially if you're 4 to 6 years old.

anyway, i went down memory lane. looked at other photos. people i hardly know any longer. myself, so young to look at. time really does fly. better pay attention.