Monday, February 15, 2010

collecting - and bringing stuff home

there's nothing like the beach that gets my collector's gene going. i drag home everything from shells and stones to driftwood and bones. it is almost getting embarrassing and slightly ridiculous how much beach stuff i have on display. everywhere.

i think i passed the gene on to J. he finds all kind of things at the beach. sometimes shells, sometimes stones. but mostly his favorite objects are made of plastic. like an old bottle, a washed up flip flop, an arm from a doll, or plastic spoons.

we went to the wild beach saturday and by the time we left he had made himself a fine little collection. and honestly, who am i to tell him what is "right" and what is "wrong" to collect? even washed up plastic spoons can be pretty cool, no?

and when we are on the subject of collecting: i went to ikea the other day with my mom. i intended to by some fabric. by the time we got to the fabric i had already collected a zillion other small items. which i didn't know i needed, but right there, in ikea, i realized that obviously i did. you know, needed hyacinths, pale colored coffee cups, a pot holder for the hyacinth, and quite a few other things.

what's the deal with ikea? how do they do it? is it some sort of subliminal thing? oh, and by the way, the fabric was sold out. of course. now i'll have to go back in two weeks, but i will make it my goal to go in, pick it up and get out before they get to play any brain washing tricks on me. wish me luck.


  1. we often collect bags of garbage on the beach. except for the little treasures you can find, it saddens me the amount of garbage people leave around. the spoon collection is very beautiful though.
    i try to run as fast as i can through ikea, and with my eyes half closed, just to avoid buying anything on the way to the food store. there i go nuts!

  2. Det er da også sejt, med de skeer der.. Kan sagtens forstå ham! Og med sådan en strand som du der viser ville jeg da også gå helt amok.. Kan jo se helt vildt mange hulsten!

  3. 1st of all, I LOVE the J's collection of spoons! The colors... what an artist! And 2nd, I HATE ik*a just for that! Suddenly you need all the things in this giant store! It's unfair! ;-)
    3rd, the sun on the beach is the best medecine for me today.
    thanks lovely T.

  4. Hi there,
    I wanted to thank you for the kind comments on my blog...but the pleasure is mine. It's rare that I find a photostream that just keeps making me click, and someone who I truly find interesting, but sometimes it just happens :)

    Love the spoons - one man's trash is another man's treasure, as they say.

  5. Ikea gets me going too. But before I go to the self serve till I check my trolley and do a cheeky dump of at least half the stuff ...

  6. I know what you mean with Ikea! It's all those inexpensive little items that add up - I am such a sucker for that. So good question, WHAT IS THE DEAL? Ha,ha... good luck next time!

  7. You take beautiful photos. I adore the beach. Thanks for stopping by Amuse-bouche for Two. :)

  8. Love that shot! My fav is the orange one!

  9. this is the story of every ikea trip i take!

  10. Ha ha hvor er de skønne de små skeer!!

  11. i blame the crack meatballs and those arrows you have to follow through the store, ensuring that you see it ALL. :-)
