Thursday, February 25, 2010

soft and beautiful

so i mentioned that i would like some arrows to show me the direction. i feel a bit like these little seeds as they float in the air: it's pretty, and it feels good to be carried by the wind, but it mainly makes me dizzy, it's hard to focus - and i cannot help but wonder, anxiously, where i will land.

i was just writing a looong post about the things i am considering and what is going on, but i don't feel ready or capable to talk about it (i am writing it as if there's something specific. there isn't, which is the problem). so i deleted what i wrote. i am confused, ambivalent, caught between what is good for one thing, what is good for another, and what is good for something else. what is good for family, what is good in the long run, in the short run, and what is good for me, now, tomorrow and next year. it is such a puzzle to make financial, emotional, family, relationship etc ends meet. to make a good compromise, to make everyone as happy as i would like them to be. including myself.

to match this kind of unfocused and blurry talk, i thought, i would share a few more shots from my first role of film. i know: under exposed and too close up - but there's something about them i like. maybe the stillness, the softness, is what appeals, what i need...

here is to soft and beautiful landings.


  1. Gorgeous shots. i too love the softness of that wooden bowl in the lower ones.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. The wind will stop one day and it could be suprising where you land..have a safe flight!

  4. The softness of your photos reminds me of the morning dew, gentle, calming and waiting for beginning of a new day. It is good that you are tossing some thoughts together, this is how master pieces are created all the dots and lines are connected. I can't wait to see or hear about your adventures. xo...

  5. I'm at the point in my life(65) where I have landed softly. When younger, I would always ask myself "What is the best and what is the worse thing, that could happen, if I do or don't do something", when trying to make decisions in my life. Enjoy where you are!

  6. These are beautiful. Exactly like you said: soft and beautiful!

    Best of luck :)

  7. I totally understand this frame of mind, I am still waiting to define myself specifically. Though I think I found a category ... in the meanwhile...

    You are an amazing photographer - you have a gift Trinsch. Hummm, interesting thought ... :^)

  8. I thought a bit about your words and about what would be good to write.
    'it is okay'. Some people need to work through this question, one of the most complicated question there is 'what do I really want?', and some go through it more often than others.
    And for what it is worth, from one dream searcher to another. do not look at the waves (meaning; do not focus on fears.) and breathe.. Breathing is always good. :)
    Hope you will find your answers. Wish you àll the best.

  9. I love love these pictures!! They're very soft and still indeed! Sounds like you're going through a rough patch... I wish you lot's of wisdom and clarity! Take care!

  10. ...the thoughts of a kind and caring soul...
    ....the shots of a kind and caring soul....

    Beautiful. I believe imperfection is so much more pleasing than perfection. Perhaps in all things...

  11. Trinsch, what's good for you now is good for your family now. A happy mom makes a happy family. Relax.

  12. i remember feeling this way at times . it all goes by so fast . it seems as if you are a wonderful mom and photographer!

  13. That middle paragraph really resonates with me. I'm in such a tumble, out of balance, not quite focused. I enjoy the process of *righting* things, but oy! Such personal and devoted work.

    Your photos are indeed soft and beautiful, just how they make me feel

  14. I'm in awe of these delicate beautiful photographs.

  15. I once asked a rabbi for advice when we were contemplating a move. We had 2 choices and I was in the position of deciding which totally different place to move our family. I felt so much pressure to do the right thing. The rabbi said to me, "God guides you where you are." So I prayed about it.
