Sunday, March 21, 2010

growing familiar

remember this november sunset photo ? this is the second time around i see these apples, but this time i had seen - and smelled - the blossoms before. everything is green and new and fresh, and i forgot that i remember it so well from last year. for some reason there are now again a few blossoms on the trees. not sure if that's normal, but maybe i will know one day.

this is the essence of what i love about living here in the countryside, to be so close to nature, to experience the cycle. this year, right here, it's been all about seeing everything return, reappear. i wish that some day down the road, the cycle will become a part of me, that it will also be about the little differences from one year to the other. i want to grow familiar to my surroundings.

i want to belong. i was never sure - still not entirely - if i could ever, truly feel like i belong here in the middle east, so different from denmark. but maybe i can find a place where i belong, a place where my heart can rest.


  1. Your words make me feel braver about parting from where one has grown up. I am the fourth generation in my family to live in this village, but before that my ancestors came from Sweden, Norway and ... Denmark! I have often considered living in Sweden or Denmark part time, or moving to one of the countries full-time when I'm older. Although, I have a hunch that Scandinavian countries will feel like home in my heart.

    We have one very old apple tree in our back yard. It has lovely scented blooms each year, but no longer grows apples and loses most of its leaves midsummer.

    Have a good week, Trinsch!!

  2. oh, i so know what you mean...
    i feel that by moving abroad, we are often dealing with a feeling of not being completely where we need to be. our heart got torn, a tiny bit.
    do you think d and the children would ever want to return to denmark? and you?

  3. Thank you my friend for sharing your heart and your beautiful photos. xo

    P.S. How did the middle east become your home?

  4. Dunno what to say really.. you sound so tired. If there is there anything I can do, make or send, to comfort?. I know that in the end a box of chocolate or a book does not help, but also know, friendship does.
    :) even though you do not know me, or I you, this blogging world does make you friends in one way or the other.
    So, just say the word.

  5. I do hope so...
    Beautiful images to share with your thoughts.

  6. I find that I belong where my family is. It'll be different when my children are older, I'm sure. I look at the cycle of nature - so familiar to me by now but so magically new at every change of season - and this is what it is: familiar. It's not belonging, but a familiarity that is very sweet feeling, and that probably bridges some the loneliness and isolation. Hugs.

  7. You said it well. When you live in the countryside you can experience the small changes in nature, every day has its own nuances. Living in the city i miss seeing that.
    I think we here in Scandinavia have to wait some time to see such beautiful apple blossoms on our trees :)

  8. maybe those flowers are blooming to tell you that you belong(:
