Wednesday, June 23, 2010

corner view - noticing

reds and blues - naked children - summer fun.

notice more via jane of spain daily


  1. looks so free and fun!
    Happy days to you:))

  2. oh my, I also have naked children and summer fun...
    and patience to go with it and all that ammount of gaiety of color!
    Enjoy, You have such a beautiful family.

  3. body paint! so much fun...curious about what exams you might have?
    good luck anyhow!

  4. There is always something to notice and enjoy with children!

  5. i say! :)

    i guess i couldn't help but noticing red and blue children in the garden. what a sight! i bet that was fun...

  6. ps and yes we beat you and ate Pie to celebrate ;-) (WolrdChampionship)

  7. The best! Looks like one little three year old in my home.

  8. there is actual movement in that second picture! :)

  9. dear trinsch. the same here with me. i'm always so inspired with your blog and your words and thoughts. it's a shame that we live far away. i would really like to invite you for coffee or tea a lot. i feel connected with you also because you know what it means to live with children. sometimes the days are really full. but it's so good reminding the funny things in life. the things which makes us smile. like your naked color kids. and hope i'll be able to visit you one day. happy day*

  10. i'm smiling from ear to ear. your kids must be the dirtiest kids on the web and i really like it!
