Tuesday, September 7, 2010

jarred up

little pretty fish at the beach and my mom's homemade fig jam for a pancake and mango breakfast. it's mango season and we are picking them in the garden of D's brother. they have the biggest tree ever, so full of huge, sweet mangos you cannot believe it. and those pancakes were made with eggs from our coop. our fig tree is still tiny, no figs yet, so the figs were bought at the market in jerusalem, where we went last week. it's season too, and these were incredibly dark, juicy and sweet.

ps: don't worry: the fish got back into the water after a little while.


  1. Ooooh, Little Man and I love mango. They are super-expensive over here.

    But I do remember as a kid that I actually got sick of them as they grow along the road in Northern Australia.

    I always think of that when Little Man cries because he has to share the mango with me :-)

    Ooooh, and I bet you have passionfruit too.

  2. fruits taste so much better in Israel!!!!

  3. Sounds delicious. Looks delicious! You've captured the beauty of your mother's jar of homemade jam wonderfully well. Happy eating!

  4. that fish is such a funny guy!

    would your mum perhaps consider sharing her fig jam recipe? i've been looking for one...

  5. hilarious the fish in the jar!
    i am too enjoying the mango.
    and lots of wild fig plucking in the neighborhood.
    and pomegranates.

    is your mother still with you?
    i am afraid it will take some more time until we meet. but as you you say in swedish 'den som väntar på något gott...' :)

    chag sameach! love

  6. Jam makes me happy, and so does the freeing of the little fish :)

    A very sweet comment you left yesterday. Thank you sweet Trinsch - xo

  7. Oooh, I wouldn't want to mix up those two jars ~ what a fright that'd be. The fig jam looks delicious. Cheers~

  8. That is a very interesting fish. How nice to have such beautiful fruit available locally. Best of all are your very local eggs!
