Saturday, February 18, 2012

feeling the storm

the storm wasn't too bad this morning, so we ventured out, to the beach. it was a good decision. to feel the air.

a dark sky and a white, wild sea. there was no people, but us, except for those two guys who rescued J from wet feet when a wave suddenly approached too fast. and then there was that nagging feeling of being a little too adventurous when we climbed to the top of the cliffs to see the view. strong wind in our faces and a sign warning us of the danger. so we stayed away from the edge and looked far to the horizon while eating chocolate. and then there were the spring flowers and eucalyptus trees on the way back.

returning home, feeling dizzy in our heads, but in a good way. the kids are playing xbox and i'm making buns for burgers for dinner.

for some reason i think everything today feels better because we went to the beach and felt the last bit of that storm.

1 comment:

  1. freezing here!
    and it did snow, but very wet and not so pretty as in the north north of course..

    so great to see the calaniot again! isn't this winter way colder than last?

    by the way, performing next saturday in tel aviv, if you are interested in coming, the 3rd of march.

