Thursday, December 2, 2010

tetragon and doughnuts

seasonal flavors of december have entered the household. one a tradition, one new. our neighbor told us last year that he's got all this new zealand spinach growing wild all over his land and that we were welcome to take it. i had absolutely no clue what that was, and never got around to look it up. or collect any for that matter.

this year he took matters into his own hands and came by our house the other day with an enormous load of this luscious green plant. well, with my entire sink full of it i looked it up and found out it's tetragon. which i must admit i never tasted, but at least there was a familiar ring to it. and after a bit more searching around i found this recipe. sounds yummy, no? should you know of any other tasty ways to enjoy tetragon - aka new zealand spinach - i'd love to hear about it.

and then maybe, if we eat enough green we will be ok. even if we are munching way too many doughnuts these days. because it is chanukah afterall - even if the days are still unbelievably hot. which also means tat we're still having bbqs in the garden, and picnics at the beach. not your usual chanukah

happy chanukah


  1. Happy Chanukah! Our menorah is packed away somewhere so we are improvising with votive candles this year. Just as good! Enjoy the holiday Trinsch - xo

  2. Happy Chanukah to you and your family! Your little guy is so cute!! xo

  3. yum, yum, look at those sufganiyot! and the sweet little face behind it!

  4. Yum! I have to admit the doughnuts look even more delicious than any of the other things. Happy Hannukah!
