Monday, January 24, 2011

natural changes

i like the winter right now. i know we need more rain, but i like these bright days, blue sky and nice warm days. and i like that it's chilly at night, making the mornings clear and beautiful. the nature right now is a perfect mix of what's left from the summer, the new green and the first flowers, and the light. oh that long, soft afternoon light.

i am probably going back to work. i am not really fit for this freelance work. maybe because of lack of motivation, or maybe it's work discipline i'm lacking. could be both, now i think about it. usually they go together. i miss an evening being an evening and a weekend being a weekend. not always having some unfinished work project breathing down my neck.

it will be hard and it will mean changes. it scares me, and at the same time i think it might be good for us with some leveling out. meaning sharing the parenting and the money making. i hope it will be good for the kids too, but i cannot help but thinking they might end up being the losers in this deal. i hope not. whatever way it's done, change or not, there's always compromising. we'll see. first i need a contract, i guess. but if it's not this job, then it will be the next. i will be going back to work.


  1. aha, the eternal question. being your own boss against all that paperwork and hours you'd rather not do... ;)

    good luck. and shush about those blue skies, man. you'll have us crying over here... hee hee.

  2. I know.. in my work there is always something my mind drifts to and as my studio is so close by.. So, I am working on finding a studio a bit further away as you really do not want to know how many hours a day I spend on this 'job' (pay is lousy anyway..:))
    Good luck Trinsch. you'll find a way.

  3. I always stop in from time to time. It's nice to see another's perspective living here in Israel. Your photographs are beautiful and inspiring. Thank - you for your moments and wishes stacey

  4. The kids are not going to be the losers if you decide to go back to something that ultimately fits better with your life. If you're happier, they'll be happier. Good luck, I hope you find the perfect job for you.

  5. hey trinsch, i think francesca is so right. wish you luck finding your path. what kind of work are you looking for?
    me too, i am enjoying the weather these days. hoping still for some rain, but apart from that i wish it would last longer, this winter. wearing thick stockings and woolen sweaters is my tea cup!

  6. Francesca had my same thought - if mama is happy, the kids will feel it and they themselves will be happy too. Change is good, if it does not work out - change again. Best of luck to you and your new adventure xo

  7. hooray for decision making, momma! the kids won't be losing out on anything. if anything, seeing you happy??!!
    image 2, btw, is a stunner!

  8. superb photos!
    i went back to work after several years of freelancing. i found it very hard and i took me a lot of time to adjust but the pay is much better. i guess there is no perfect situation....

  9. i´m sure it will all work out :)

  10. Can understand that hesitation, am six months into being back at work full time, (had three kids in three years) and I find it sometimes hard being away from them so much. In my case I switched careers and so the newness of it all is difficult, plus a foreign land and language. Big learning curve. Good luck to you.
